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Fun-Filled Swimming Lessons

Swimming lessons are a great way to get exercise, enhance your health, and learn new skills. Our certified swimming instructors teach both members and non-members. Lessons are small and intimate, giving students adequate time to practice their skills in the water. We offer tiered lessons for adults and children 6 months and up to develop their abilities and upgrade to the next level of their swimming education. Our instructors strive to cultivate a fun and welcoming environment to grow as a swimmer. Click here to sign up for our Private and Semi-Private Waitlist

Girl learning to swim with coach

Private and Semi-Private Swim Lessons

We offer various private and semi-private swim lessons designed with your growth in mind. Private lessons are customized and arranged individually with your instructors to provide the optimal learning experience for your personal development. Take classes with your children or engage with peers of similar skills. Our instructors are skilled experts ready to enhance your swimming abilities.

You’ll Love Our Quality Swimming Instruction

We believe that swimming should be a fun, engaging, and enlightening activity. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned swimmer, there is much to be learned. Our instructors are passionate about the health, wellness, and personal development of our students. We teach young children and adults how to flourish and thrive in the pool with expert training that lasts throughout their lives. We’ll guide you through your lessons and provide you with the proper skills for your needs. We take pride in instilling confidence and ability within our students. For us, swimming is more than a hobby; it’s an essential activity for living a better life.

Please Note

  • A parent or guardian must be present in the facility during the entire lesson.
  • Children under the age of 3 must wear a swim diaper and swim suit.
  • Parents bringing children of the opposite sex over 3 years old must use the unisex restrooms upstairs.
  • The pool will be closed in the event of lightning or inclement weather.

Private & Semi-Private Swim Lessons

All lessons are non-refundable. Packages expire 12 months from the date of purchase.

  • Lessons are 30 minutes in length.
  • Payment, waiver and agreement form must be completed prior to the first day of class.

We’re Here to Help You Live Healthier