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Land Group Fitness

Come enjoy the variety of land group exercise classes that we offer at Health Place. You can choose to focus on strength training, cardiovascular endurance, or flexibility. We offer many different types of classes including varies types of Yoga, Barre, Muscle Madness, Spin, SCULPT and many more! Come meet with an Exercise Physiologist to decide the best classes for you. Whether you love to dance, lift weights, spin, jump or stretch, we can find the right class for you at Health Place.

Land Group Fitness Schedule (October/November/December 2024)

Spin Class and RSB Schedule (October/November/December 2024)

*Sign up required for all land group exercise classes. Click on the QR code for class times and spots available. All classes are limited at this time due to COVID safety protocols.

**Instructors subject to change without notice.

We’re Here to Help You Live Healthier