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Medically Based Health and Wellness Centers Serving the Greater Atlanta Area


A Fitness and Wellness Experience Focused on Improving Your Overall Health!  

Join us on Wednesday, October 9th as we FALL INTO FITNESS!


You Can Trust Our Caring Wellness Professionals

For more than 30 years, Wellstar Fitness has provided health and wellness services to the greater Atlanta area. Our friendly team of trainers, instructors, health coaches, and massage therapists have years of experience cultivating our members’ health by developing plans that meet their needs. Whether you want to learn a new skill or use wellness practices to manage a medical condition, we offer a service that will be right for you. We strive to create a fun, welcoming environment that exposes our members to new ways of wellness while also remaining sensitive to their comfort levels and abilities. You’ll feel good knowing that our team is here to advocate for your health and provide the best service possible!


Our Wellness Services

Upon sign-up, All Wellstar Fitness members are given a health history questionnaire and evaluation. Our professionals take the time to look through your health history and examine your personal wellness goals. This way, we can set you up with the perfect fitness plan for your unique needs. We realize there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to self-care. That’s why you can count on a plan that’s completely customized to your fitness and nutrition goals. And with so many health-promoting solutions to choose from, you’re bound to find something that benefits your day-to-day life.

View Our Group Fitness Schedules

If you want to share a well-rounded workout experience with a community of like-minded people, our group fitness exercises are right for you.

Health Place

A Legacy of Medical-Based Health Excellence

We are proud of our status as one of the only medically-based wellness solution in the area. For decades, our members have trusted us to deliver training, education, and other health services that address their exact needs. We believe our member-first approach is the best way to set constructive wellness goals and execute them for maximum growth. The positive change you see in your health and abilities will boost your confidence and broaden the possibilities of what you’re capable of doing. We strive to enhance your physical, mental, and emotional health through the power and preciseness of medical-based wellness.



Wellstar Health Place

330 Kennestone Hospital Blvd
Marietta, GA 30060



Wellstar Health Place

330 Kennestone Hospital Blvd, Marietta, GA 30060, USA